Fairfax, VA

Auto Services

RTO Tire & Automotive

RTO Tire & Automotive in Remington, VA Offers Auto Services to include State Inspections, Oil Changes, Auto Brakes, Rotors and Repair in Fauquier and Culpeper

Business Information

Business Contact
Steve Wright

208 James Madison Street
Remington, VA 22734

Phone Contact(s)
Office: (540) 439-4390
Mobile: (540) 272-6875

Send a Message

RTO is an automotive repair facility with 24 hour towing available. We offer monthly maintenance from VA state inspections, oil changes, brakes, rotors, A/C service with repair and BG product flushes as well as front end alignments and major auto repairs of all makes and models. We'll take care of your car in Remington, VA.

Areas We Serve

More Automotive